UPS transports international dangerous goods only to and from approved countries or territories. Pickup and delivery service is restricted in some areas of approved countries or territories. Refer to the service listing provided. The service listings list the postal codes that UPS offers dangerous goods service.
Oct 25, 2018 The proper shipping name to be used in the Dangerous Goods List must be one which most appropriately describes the substance or article. “
UN Dangerous Goods List from 2015, cited on 7 May 2015. UN Dangerous Goods List from 2013, cited on 7 May 2015. This page was last edited on 11 April Proper shipping name is the standard technical name to describe the hazard properties and the composition of dangerous goods. You need to choose a UN number (usually, 4 digits) and a proper shipping name from Dangerous Goods List that can most accurately describe your dangerous goods.
Class 8 - Corrosive substances. Class 9 - Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles. Dangerous goods are classified into 9 different classes, based on the dangerous properies of the goods or substance. Dangerous Goods Surcharges Dangerous goods transports require additional measures, such as marking the transport units, declarations to authorities and shipping companies, handling of documents, etc. Dangerous goods are subject to local and/or national DGR fees which are debited separately.
They may be pure chemicals, mixtures of substances, manufactured products or individual articles. Class 6 - Toxic and infectious substances. Class 7 - Radioactive material.
Non-domestic Substances List (NDSL) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for the air transport (IATA) (regelverk för lufttransport av farligt.
We want to ensure the mail is safe for everyone. Dangerous goods we can accept for shipment are: Lithium batteries. Biological substances- Category B (UN3373) to support the healthcare industry, we offer worldwide service for Category B biological substances.
Dangerous Goods To comply with national and international regulations governing the carriage of mail, and ensure that mail in transport does not present a danger to the general public, we restrict or prohibit certain items from our network.
These are grouped into categories called accessible and inaccessible which determine the FedEx Service you can ship with. The Dangerous Goods List in this Chapter lists the dangerous goods most commonly carried but is not exhaustive. It is intended that the list cover, as far as practicable, all dangerous substances of commercial importance. Where a substance or article is specifically listed by name in the Dangerous Goods List, it For example, lithium batteries, dry ice and aerosol whipped cream are dangerous goods. These products may seem harmless; however, when transported by air they can be very dangerous.
Class 1 contains substances and articles which pose a …
Quantity limits for safe transport are listed in column 7a of the “Dangerous goods list” in part 3 of ADR and the IMDG Code (see regulations below). For certain goods, the limit in column 7a of Table A is zero, which means that those goods may not be shipped in limited quantities, i.e. the dangerous goods rules apply regardless of the quantity in the shipment. Dangerous goods of Class 2.3, not specifically listed, meeting the definition of dangerous goods toxic by inhalation, Hazard Zone D 2.3 4, 17, 19, 75, 80, 81, 83
Appendix on DANGEROUS GOODS 1. Certain articles or substances are classified as fidangerous goodsfl by the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. The Technical Instructions list over 3 000 dangerous goods, and with the exception of a small number of permitted items, dangerous goods must not
Dangerous Goods Delivery: No Call 1.800.332.0807 for IP1 or IXF Service availability. Anguilla Dangerous Goods Delivery: No Dry Ice: No Call 1.800.332.0807 for IP1 or IXF Service availability. Antigua Dangerous Goods Delivery: No Dry Ice: No. Argentina Dangerous Goods Delivery: Yes Radioactives/Explosives: No Not all cities served Armenia
DANGEROUS GOODS LIST (TABLE 3-1) Parts of this Chapter are affected by State Variations AU 1, AU 2, AU 3, BE 3, CA 7, CA 8, CA 10, CA 11, CA 13, FR 1, GB 3, IR 3, NL 1, US 3, US 6, US 15, ZA 1; see Table A-1 2.1 ARRANGEMENT OF THE DANGEROUS GOODS LIST (TABLE 3-1) 2.1.1 The Dangerous Goods List (Table 3-1) is divided into 12 columns as follows:
The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee adopted the IMDG Code with resolution MSC.122 (75) to set out the mandatory requirements for the safe carriage of dangerous goods and harmful substances in packaged form.
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Användningsfrekvens: 1. Kvalitet: undefined. Referens: Wikipedia IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods. IATA: International Air ELINCS: European List of Notified Chemical Substances. CAS: Chemical CSCL-ENCS List of Existing and New Chemical Substances Dangerous Goods Regulations (förordningar för transport av farlig gods), DSL - Lista Substancji Krajowych (Domestic Substances List); KE - Komisja niebezpiecznych (International Maritime Dangerous Goods);.
All Excel and PDF files are available only in English. DANGEROUS GOODS EMERGENCY ACTION CODE LIST 2019 CLASS 4.1 – Flammable solids, self-reactive substances and desensitized explosives CLASS 4.2 – Substances liable to spontaneous combustion CLASS 4.3 – Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases CLASS 5.1 – Oxidizing substances CLASS 5.2 – Organic peroxides
About. Goods that are used in daily life can sometimes be classified as dangerous during sea transportation.
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Explosives. Explosives are materials or items which have the ability to rapidly conflagrate or …
Användningsfrekvens: 1. Kvalitet: undefined. Referens: Wikipedia IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods. IATA: International Air ELINCS: European List of Notified Chemical Substances. CAS: Chemical CSCL-ENCS List of Existing and New Chemical Substances Dangerous Goods Regulations (förordningar för transport av farlig gods), DSL - Lista Substancji Krajowych (Domestic Substances List); KE - Komisja niebezpiecznych (International Maritime Dangerous Goods);.
Pack cargo transport units15 according to segregation requirements. Document container/vehicle eg manifest (list goods) and provide a container/vehicle packing.
(Kapacitetstillägg) Capacity Directive; DSL - Domestic Substances List; EC – European to Life and Health; IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Goods; ISHL - Japan Rules on the handling of articles or substances capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety, or property, and that ordinarily require special attention when SVHC Lista (Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for IMDG = International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods. IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods. IATA: International Air ELINCS: European List of Notified Chemical Substances.
When this is used, the shipper should review the description found Substances Dangerous When Wet. 3208 3209 3397 3482. 遇水危險物質. : Any Class 4.3 DG has Class 3 Subsidiary Risk, not specified in this list, but with Contents.