43 Awesome Small Tattoo For Men with Meaning Pablo Escobar impuso la «ley de plata o plomo», por la que muchos miembros del Gobierno, policía y 


Pablo Escobar, rei da Cocaina Criou emperio de drogas e mentiras Matava gente - la na rua O Padriho, seu apelido Fora da lei desde menino En Medellin ele cresceu Era diabo ou filho de deus Plata O Plomo Plata O Plomo (Caralho) Plata O Plomo Plata O Plomo (Pinche cabrón) Pablo Escobar, señor de la coca Reino de miedo, terror, violencia Control del mundo desde Medellín Obedece, o ves tu fin

The phrase “Plato o Plomo” translates to “silver or lead”, meaning that peasants of South America can either accept a bribe & live (silver) or take a bullet & die  He handled problems with “plata o plomo,” meaning “silver” (bribes) or “lead” ( bullets). In addition to rival drug traffickers, notably in the Cali cartel, his victims  27 Jan 2021 Most Badass Dialogues in Narcos with a Hidden Meaning!!! · Yo Soy Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria · Plata O Plomo · Puedo Permitir Que Eso. Durch die Netflix-Serie „Narcos“ wurde der Ausspruch „Plata o Plomo“ weltweit bekannt. In der Serie ist Pablo Escobar wiederholt zu sehen, wie er zu Polizisten,   "plata o plomo" daki, plomo kursun demektir ama, element anlamindaki kurşun.

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bala de plata. silver bullet. estado mexicano This was one of those moments on Narcos where fact was stranger than fiction.. 2. “Plata O Plomo.” Silver or lead. In short, it means "accept this money or get shot".

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Plata, meaning “silver,” is a common slang term for money and plomo, a metonym for “lead bullet”. The Drug War continues to bring corruption, brutality, 

By Manuel Delia Journalists are not public officers in the meaning of the law so paying them a tip is a private matter like telling the cab driver Cartel killings of mayors in Mexico have reached record numbers, but the motivations behind them are not as simple as “plata o plomo,” meaning silver or lead — a choice between receiving money or bullets. The phrase “Plato o Plomo” translates to “silver or lead”, meaning that peasants of South America can either accept a bribe & live (silver) or take a bullet & die (lead). Eric, an American boy, & Miguel, a Colombian, are both out on the road on a Friday night, but their intentions are entirely different.

Plata o plomo meaning

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Plata o plomo meaning

Meaning if you are on my team you get the silver, if not you get the lead. The choice is yours. Plata o plomo pandejo. "Listen here sucker, play along or its lights out". Silver or lead: money or a bullet. Pablo Escobar, rei da Cocaina Criou emperio de drogas e mentiras Matava gente - la na rua O Padriho, seu apelido Fora da lei desde menino En Medellin ele cresceu Era diabo ou filho de deus Plata O Plomo Plata O Plomo (Caralho) Plata O Plomo Plata O Plomo (Pinche cabrón) Pablo Escobar, señor de la coca Reino de miedo, terror, violencia Control del mundo desde Medellín Obedece, o ves tu fin 2015-11-01 Plata o Plomo: Silver or Lead Questions on Meaning: 1.

ability to move individually one after another or multiple times within one turn, meaning the pace always being ramped up. Plata o Plomo? possessing the ability to move individually one after another or multiple times within one turn, meaning the pace always being ramped up. These actions refer to the 2020 edition of the EWWR. Map is loading more than 1500 points, this can take a while… Tattoos are beautiful skin decorations but have a deeper meaning than being a mere decoration. People usually Plata o plomo. Black and Plata o plomo.
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„Plata o Plomo“ ist ein Lied von Gunz for  27 Sep 2018 Plata o plomo is a Colombian Spanish slang phrase that translates to is telling the listener to either accept a bribe (plata, meaning “silver,” a  21 sij 2021 Plata o plomo is a Colombian Spanish slang phrase that translates to ( plata, meaning “silver,” a common slang term for money in Colombia)  8 Jan 2021 Lil Skies Breaks Down The Meaning Of "I" Die „Plata O Plomo EP“ lag der limitierten Deluxe-Box des Albums Narco Trafficante von 18  15 May 2009 Spanish: Plata O Plomo. Type: Expression. Literal Meaning: silver or lead.

The meaning of plata o plomo is that one can either take the money – drug money, bribe money, and so on – or take a bullet (para 4).
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The name is a phrase in Spanish for “silver or lead.” It means “take the money (bribe) or I will take your life.” Plata refers to the coins made of silver. Plomo refers to the bullet made of lead.

Escobar’s way of handling problems was “plata o plomo,” meaning “silver” (bribes) or “lead” (bullets). While he preferred the former, he had no qualms about the latter option, earning a reputation for ruthlessness. He reportedly killed some 4,000 people, including numerous police officers and government officials.

One of the Federales who gave the second reply to 'plata o plomo.'. The name is a phrase in Spanish for “silver or lead.” It means “take the money (bribe) or I will take your life.” Plata refers to the coins made of silver. Plomo refers to the bullet made of lead. (en.m.wikipedia.org) 2019-11-12 he offered plata o plomoPlata o plomo had every official in Bogota living in fear or under suspicion.”´ 1 More generally, rewards and threats of punish-ment have long been part of political life.

Soon such invitations may given to civil servants in your hometown.