Looking for books by Mark Kurlansky? See all books authored by Mark Kurlansky , including Salt: A World History, and Cod: A Biography of the Fish that 


Looking for books by Mark Kurlansky? See all books authored by Mark Kurlansky , including Salt: A World History, and Cod: A Biography of the Fish that 

Han övertygar oss snabbt om att den verkligen gör skäl för beteckningen. Salt är en oerhörd bred, faktaspäckad och samtidigt färgrik historisk exposé, full av överraskande exempel och underhållande anekdoter. Mark Kurlansky (foto: Lisa Klausner). Pris: 117 kr. pocket, 2003. Skickas inom 5-9 vardagar. Köp boken Salt av Mark Kurlansky (ISBN 9780099281993) hos Adlibris.

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In Kurlansky's words, salt—the only rock humans However, as Mark Kurlansky so brilliantly relates in his world-encompassing new book, salt—the only rock we eat—has shaped civilization from the very beginning. Its story is a glittering, often surprising part of the history of mankind. Mark Kurlansky has written, edited, or contributed to twenty books, which have been translated into twenty-five languages and won numerous prizes. His previous books Cod, Salt, 1968, and The Food of a Younger Land were all New York Times best-sellers. 7 posts May 17, 2012 Yesterday, I posted the first part of an interview with author Mark Kurlansky, who, in addition to writing about Clarence Birdseye, the father of our modern frozen food industry, About Mark Kurlansky. Mark Kurlansky is the New York Times bestselling author of many books, including The Food of a Younger Land; Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World; Salt: A World History; 1968: The Year That Rocked the World; The Big Oyster: History on the… More about Mark Kurlansky However, as Mark Kurlansky so brilliantly relates in his world- encompassing new book, salt-the only rock we eat-has shaped civilization from the very beginning.

Mark Kurlansky, the bestselling author of Cod and The Basque History of the World, here turns his attention to a common household item with a long and intriguing history: salt..

2003. Ordfront Förlag. Salt är den enda sten som människan äter. Saltet är både nödvändighet och lyx och har genom historien varit det viktigaste 

"Kurlansky continues to prove himself remarkably adept at taking a most unlikely candidate and telling its tale with epic grandeur. " —Los Angeles Times Book Review "If you are drawn to history and curious about the origins of foods, allow Mark Kurlansky to take you on an incredible journey through the centuries by way of salt." —The Mark Kurlansky is the bestselling author of several bestselling nonfiction titles including Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World (winner of the Glenfiddich Best Food Book Award), The Basque History of the World, Salt: … 2021-3-31 · Salt: A World History – Mark Kurlansky Penguin Books | 2003 | EPUB. Homer called salt a divine substance. Plato described it as especially dear to the gods.

Mark kurlansky salt

Mark Kurlansky is the bestselling author of several bestselling nonfiction titles including Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World (winner of the Glenfiddich Best Food Book Award), The Basque History of the World, Salt: …

Mark kurlansky salt

2019-10-23 2012-05-17 2019-05-29 2017-08-24 Salt is best selling author Mark Kurlansky's story of the only rock we eat. From its single origin, to the other discoveries made because of it, fascinating tales of salt and the people who have been involved with it through the ages are interwoven here. Fifteen recipes are included that will meet with every taste. About Salt. An unlikely world history from the bestselling author of Cod and The Basque History of the World In his fifth work of nonfiction, Mark Kurlansky turns his attention to a common household item with a long and intriguing history: salt. Salt enters written history (as so many things do) with the Chinese, who had the first known salt works, imposed the first known salt tax, and fought the first known salt war. They also used it to preserve the wondrous 1,000-year-old egg, which “takes about 100 days to make, and will keep for another 100 days”—give or take, evidently, 365,000 days.

Homer called salt a divine substance. Plato described it as especially dear to the gods. Today we take salt for granted, a common, inexpensive substance that seasons food or clears ice from roads, a word used casually in expressions (“salt of the earth,” take it with a grain of salt”) without appreciating their deeper Author Mark Kurlansky on the Surprising Histories of Salt, Cod and Milk.
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En bok jag lärt mig något av: Många böcker har bidragit till min allmänbildning, men Salt av Mark Kurlansky var kunskapsberikande. Mark Kurlansky berättar i sin ”Salt: A world history” hur man i 1600-talets Frankrike hade problem med att en del fångar dog innan de kunde  Jodå, Mark Kurlanskys bok "Salt - en världshistoria" ger en hisnande bild av saltets betydelse. Allt ifrån tron att en salt-ingniden man skulle vara  Salt : en världshistoria. Kurlansky Mark, Eklöf Margareta [Ny utg.] : Stockholm : Ordfront : 2004 : 383, [1] s. : ISBN: 91-7037-064-8.

Kurlansky, Mark. Torsk. En biografi om fisken som förändrade världen (1999).
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Salt is best selling author Mark Kurlansky's story of the only rock we eat. From its single origin, to the other discoveries made because of it, fascinating tales of salt and the people who have been involved with it through the ages are interwoven here. Fifteen recipes are included that will meet with every taste.

--The Baltimore Sun An unlikely world history from the bestselling author of Cod and The Basque History of the World In his fifth work of nonfiction, Mark Kurlansky turns his attention to a common household item with a long and intriguing history: salt. The only rock we eat, salt has shaped civilization from the very beginning, and its story is a glittering, often surprising part of the history of humankind. A Mark Kurlansky rubs your nose in salt, and you come out so much more knowledgeable, and really have fun learning.

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They also used it to preserve the wondrous 1,000-year-old egg, which “takes about 100 days to make, and will keep for another 100 days”—give or take, evidently, 365,000 days. An unlikely world history from the bestselling author of Cod and The Basque History of the WorldIn his fifth work of nonfiction, Mark Kurlansky turns his attention to a common household item with a long and intriguing history: salt. The only rock we eat, salt has shaped civilization from the very beginning, and its story is a glittering, often surprising part of the history of humankind.

För några år sedan överraskade och gladde mångsysslaren Mark Kurlansky den internationella bokscenen med ett originellt verk som på svenska fick titeln ”Torsk”.