4 Dec 2019 On December 4th 2019, Specialisterne Foundation organised the inaugural Autism Advantage Luncheon Indonesia in Jakarta. We would like 


Specialisterne Foundation. Specialisterne Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that works to enable one million jobs for people with autism and similar challenges. The foundation owns Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne concept and trademark. Go to Specialisterne Foundation

Specialisterne Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that works to enable one million jobs for people with autism and similar challenges. The foundation owns Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne concept and trademark. La Fondation Specialisterne est une organisation à but non-lucratif, qui travaille à créer 1 million d’opportunités d’emploi pour les personnes autistes et les personnes avec d’autres spécificités cognitives. La fondation est propriétaire de la méthode et de la marque Specialisterne ai Specialisterne Australia assists organisations in recruiting and providing autistic and neurodiverse inclusive workplace practices and cultures. We are not just a recruiter, but also work with our client partners to build a foundation of understanding of autism and neurodiversity. 2021-02-20 Specialisterne translates from Danish as “The Specialists”, and is the name of the original Danish company and concept developed by Thorkil Sonne in 2004.

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Specialisterne is internationally recognised as the first and foremost example of how autistic adults can become effectively included in society and provide valuable, high quality services to employers. Specialisterne Foundation January 29 at 2:59 AM · "Open-ended, indirect questions are particularly challenging for #autistic people, say the academics. Given that non-autistic candidates can also struggle with behavioral questions, these prompts could benefit everyone." As presented at the 2015 UN observance of World Autism Awareness Day, the mission of the Specialisterne Foundation is to leverage knowledge gained from the employment of autistic persons to support the creation of meaningful and fulfilling employment for one million persons, in a world where there are equal opportunities for all in the labour market. Specialisterne Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation with the goal to generate meaningful employment for one million autistic persons and those with similar profiles (ADHD, OCD, dyslexia etc.) – in combination referred to as neurodivergent persons – through social entrepreneurship, corporate sector engagement and a global change in mindset. Specialisterne Foundation. Specialisterne Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that works to enable one million jobs for people with autism and similar challenges. The foundation owns Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne concept and trademark.

The foundation owns Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne concept and trademark. Specialisterne blev stiftet i 2003 af Thorkil Sonne, efter at hans søn Lars som treårig blev diagnosticeret med infantil autisme. Med familiens hus som sikkerhed, startede Thorkil en socialøkonomisk virksomhed, der ville ansætte mennesker med autisme til at løse opgaver i IT-branchen.

Thorkil Sonne is a Director and President of Specialisterne Foundation, Inc. and Chairman of the Specialist People Foundation, which he founded December 2008. He founded Specialisterne (The Specialists) in 2004 as the first market driven company where the skills of high functioning people with autism spectrum disorder are used to perform high quality services like software testing for

Med familiens hus som sikkerhed, startede Thorkil en socialøkonomisk virksomhed, der ville ansætte mennesker med autisme til at løse opgaver i IT-branchen. Målet var ikke at skabe et firma, der passede til Lars.

Specialisterne foundation

Specialisterne Foundation. Specialisterne Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that works to enable one million jobs for people with autism and similar challenges. The foundation owns Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne concept and trademark. Go to Specialisterne Foundation

Specialisterne foundation

Like, Specialisterne Foundation, and Specialisterne operations around the globe, SAP sees a potential competitive advantage to leveraging the unique talents of people with autism, while also helping them to secure meaningful employment.

ph.d. Specialisterne är en del i den sociala ekonomin – ett socioekonomiskt företag. Med det ”Specialisterne ApS” ägs av ”Specialist People Foundation”, som er en  blandt andet OAK Foundation Denmark, VILLUM FONDEN og A.P Møller og Allan fra BOAS-specialisterne fortalte om virksomhedens arbejde med at få folk  Specialisterne Foundation.
Liten bebis sjuk

Specialisterne Foundation impulsa el procés de posada en marxa de Specialisterne en nombrosos països. Comptant amb subvencions de fundacions privades i de la Comissió Europea, Specialisterne, nascuda a Dinamarca, ja està operant a Espanya, Alemanya, Austràlia, Àustria, Brasil, Canadà, Estats Units, Índia, Irlanda, Islàndia, Noruega, Polònia, Regne Unit i Suïssa. Specialisterne Foundation.

Go to Specialisterne Foundation Specialisterne Foundation. Specialisterne Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that works to enable one million jobs for people with autism and similar challenges. The foundation owns Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne concept and trademark. Go to Specialisterne Foundation Specialisterne Foundation.
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The Specialisterne trademark is owned by the Specialisterne Foundation. The different Specialisterne operations around the world are truly socially innovative companies, using the characteristics of people with autism as a competitive advantage, and as a means to help people with autism secure employment.

La Fondation Specialisterne est une organisation à but non-lucratif, qui travaille à créer 1 million d’opportunités d’emploi pour les personnes autistes et les personnes avec d’autres spécificités cognitives. La fondation est propriétaire de la méthode et de la marque Specialisterne ai fr.specialisterne.com. La Fondation Specialisterne est une organisation à but non-lucratif, qui travaille à créer 1 million d’opportunités d’emploi pour les personnes autistes et les personnes avec d’autres spécificités cognitives. La fondation est propriétaire de la méthode et de la marque Specialisterne ai Specialisterne Foundation. Specialisterne Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that works to enable one million jobs for people with autism and similar challenges.

Specialisterne Foundation. Specialisterne Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that works to enable one million jobs for people with autism and similar challenges. The foundation owns Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne concept and trademark. Go to Specialisterne Foundation

Specialisterne Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that works to enable one million jobs for people with autism and similar challenges. The foundation owns Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne concept and trademark. Specialisterne Foundation.

Specialisterne partners with employers, corporate partners, community agencies, high schools, colleges, government agencies, and the autism community. Feel free to contact us to discuss how you can benefit from the Autism Advantage as an employer or from our assessment and pre-employment programs as an autistic person. Specialisterne Foundation.